Loves drama, music and emotional scenarios. The designer of award-winning scenarios such as Deranged and Sarabande. Is working with design and with character creation.

An expert on beautiful scenarios and larp and the designer of award-winning scenarios such as Deranged and Sarabande. Is working with design and with character creation. Photo: John Paul Bichard

Organisers of two previous Austen-games and one of the people behind the Stockholm Regency Association. Will be in charge of dancing during the game.

An Austen-expert who previously organized two Austen-inspired larps. Is working with characters creation and to makes sure Austen is in the game.

A larp organizer, freeform game writer and musician. In charge of the orchestra and of all music that will be performed during the game. Designer and project manager of the larp Head of a Pin and writer of the game The Testimony.

Educated as an actor, journalist, larper, and organizer who specialized into turning Shakespeare plays into larps, Elsa brings a lot of competence. She is working on design and workshops on how to become an Austen-character.

An expert on organisations and project management with emphasis on group development and social design. He has organized larps like A Nice Evening with the Family and larp conferences and conventions for many years.

Larp organizer of Coven who is working with PR.

A game master and larp designer who enjoys working with the body and creating emotions of the abstract. Will work with creating love stories during the game.

A writer and larp designer for the last 20 years with extensive role-play experience and the author of the book about Swedish roleplay history Finna dolda ting. Wrote characters for Monitor Celestra and Inside Hamlet and will work with character creation at F&F.

Photographer, larper and expert on creating pictures of social interaction. Photo: Erik Pihl

A librarian with excellent knowledge about Regency and Austen. Mikaela will work with costumes and offer historical expertise during the game. She has been a larper for 20 years who recently did a lot of work on the larp campaign Malcontenta.

A psychologist who loves to explore the mind and the body, who has designed games such as Shards and created the festival A Love Piece. Gustav will be creating the male gender roles with associated workshops for the Austen world.

One of the people behind the Stockholm Regency Association. Will be in charge of dancing during the game.

A designer of both games and printed material who is always ready to give his wisdom to the organizers.

Photographer, larper and expert on creating photographs of social interactions.

A systematic mastermind who created the system for our characters and coined the phrase “less guilt, more pride” when talking about Austen as guilty pleasure.

Composer of the larp’s soundtrack who will be playing music at the larp. Has previously composed for the larp Head of a Pin and is a larp designer and producer of games such as Monitor Celestra and Nyteg.

Calm and steady with extensive historical and dramaturgical knowledge and previous experience from games such as Monitor Celestra.

A designer and producer who loves to make games inspired by existing work such as Love Stories by ABBA from music, A Nice Evening with the Family from theatre plays, and Sense and Sensibility from Austen’s novel for the national theatre of Sweden.

An actor and psychologist that loves game design and creating larps from existing works of both Shakespeare and David Lynch. Is working with design and how to bring in Austen to the game.

The Team
Production by
Anna Westerling & Anders Hultman
Anna & Anders have done several big productions, beginning with the now iconic larp A Nice Evening with the Family (2007) based on several nordic plays by Ibsen, Strindberg and Vinterberg. The have since then hosted the Nordic conference Knutpunkt (2010), done the edgy convention Höjdpunkt (2008) and produced Stockholm Scenario Festival four times since 2013. They have also produced the book Nordic Larp together and participated in the nanogame collection #feminism.
Our crew will include Jeppe Bergman-Hamming, Maria Bergman-Hamming, Jennie Borgström, Elsa Helin, Frida Karlson-Lindgren, Daniel Kraukis, Anna-Karin Linder, Mikaela Lindh, Gustav Nilson, Martin Rother-Schirren, Sabina Sonning, Daniel Sundström, Joel Östlund and more.
Music: Susanne Gräslund, Henrik Summanen, Niclas Hell & Elsa Helin.
Dance: Ylva Berry & Jacob Ordeberg
Costume: Anders Hultman & Mikaela Lindh
PR: Mia Häggström
Photo: Kalle Lantz & Frida Selvén
Design and illustration: Janetta Nyberg & Lotta Westholm
Editing: Lizzie Stark, Jason Morningstar, Sarah Lynne Bowman
See presentations below.

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