What is the price?
A ticket to Fortune & Felicity costs SEK 3 400 (€ 360) if you pay all at once. If you chose to pay in parts it’s SEK 1 000 + 1 400 + 1 400. Paying all at once grants you a small discount about of 10% due to it making our lives easier and reduces administration.
Our wonderful funders have paid for about half of each ticket that we sell. Without them you would have had to pay about 75% more.
What is included in the price?
Full board from 2017-05-24 18:00 until 2017-05-28 12:00. This includes 4 nights in a room, 4 breakfasts, 4 dinners and 3 lunches.
Bed linen and towels during your stay
A written character with a family and romantic ties inspired by Jane Austen´s novels
Facilitation from our Game Masters before, during and after the game
Sweden in spring (priceless)
Not included
Personal costume, see more on the costume page.
Transportation to and from Medevi Brunn. But you can buy an optional bus ticket from Arlanda/Stockholm from us later. See more under practical.
Gender and types of tickets
Jane Austen’s fiction is often focused on marriage, and marriage in regency England requires one female and one male. Therefore we will need equal number of female and male characters for Fortune & Felicity. Playing male or female characters gives you a different experience so you can of course chose whichever one you want, no matter your off-game gender.
We will sell 3 different type of tickets:
Tickets for female characters - limited number
Tickets for male characters - limited number
Tickets for two - that is one male and one female character.
We will release a limited number of single tickets from the beginning, but more if we see the two groups filling up equally. The “tickets for two” will not be limited until the larp is full. Our best advice is to talk to a friend who wants to play the opposite sex from you and sign up together. It doesn't effekt who you play with, we will gather information about if you wishes to play with a particular person before the larp.
When you sign up you also get to chose if you want to play characters of the parents’ generation, one of the younger characters in search of a spouse, or if it doesn’t matter to you. We cannot guarantee that you will get the age group you wish for but we hope so. Just as with gender you can play both, no matter your off-game age.
We will take responsibility for the larp and you as the ensemble of players of the larp. This means we will do individual casting to create an ensemble and an interesting and varied cast. Sometime after you signed up you will receive a letter when we ask about more information about you such as dietary needs, sleeping preferences and any other request you may have. There you can come with additional wishes regarding your character and play.
Can I pay in parts?
We prefer to receive your payment in full when you sign up, it saves us trouble and time and we will give the “pay all at once”-participants a discount of approx 10%. But we understand that the full price is a lot to ask of many of you and have therefore set up an installment plan for those who need it. When you sign-up you will have to pay at least SEK 1 000. If you choose to pay in installments you will need to pay like this:
Initial payment: SEK 1 000 On sign-up
Middle payment: SEK 1 400 before 2017-02-28
Final payment: SEK 1 400 before 2017-03-31
If you cannot keep to the payment times in the plan, contact us or you risk losing your spot at the larp.
Tickets sell out by gender
If the gender group you want to sign up to is sold out there might be more slots open when players of the other gender buy more tickets. The first night we will open new tickets as fast as we can. After that we will open new tickets every night at 20:00 until the game is full.
If you wish to be notified about these releases of new tickets add your email address to this list: F&F Tickets
Refunds, cancellations and transfers
If you buy a ticket and are unable or unwilling to participate you can cancel your ticket until 2017-04-01. If you cancel before this time you will get your money back, except SEK 500 that we keep for handling and fees.
If you wish to cancel after 2017-04-01 you can get your money back as above if you or we find a replacement who can buy a ticket in your place.
Two weeks before the larp we will give no refunds and your ticket might be given to someone else for free since we will need to make sure every part is taken.
Special provisions
The organizers reserve the right to refuse a participant the right to participate in the larp without giving any reason. In such a case the full fee will be returned to the participant. The organizers does also reserve the right to refuse a participant to continue the larp if said participant hinders other players or in other ways makes the larp an unsafe place. In such a case no refund will be given. The organisers claim the right to preinvite a number of players who's efforts have made the event possible.
How to get your ticket